Sex, Texts, & Automobiles

Does your teen own a smartphone? If they do, have you had a serious discussion with them about how to use it in a safe and sensible manner? Smartphones, and other such mobile devices, are [...]

The Teenage Brain & Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is one of those things often associated with adolescence.  When you think of common issues encountered by all teenagers peer pressure comes up right alongside the usual [...]

Peer Groups & Teenage Independence

You wouldn’t have to be the parent of a teenager for long before you encountered statements from your teenager like “Johnny is allowed to stay up and watch (insert desired TV show/movie,)” or [...]

How Stressed Is Your Teenager?

It is one of the many ironies of modern life.  The more options we have to increase convenience in life,  the more stressful life becomes. New research has found that stress is affecting a [...]

Teenage Love In the Digital Age

In my previous post I outlined the contours of dating and finding a romantic partner during adolescence.  While that post is full of useful information (really it is you can check it out right [...]