Interesting Generational Research

Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and the American Life Project, recently spoke at the annual conference of the National Religious Broadcasters. This presentation focused on the media [...]

Digital Boundaries For Generation Z

I have written previously on this blog about the issues of teenagers getting enough sleep. So it will come as no surprise to those who are regular readers of this blog that the following research [...]

Generation Z & Their Digital Future

There is a lot to be said for changing perspective.  Observing an object or issue from a point of view that differs to our normal frame of reference can completely alter our perception.  We might [...]

7 Deadly Sins of Today’s Youth

When you think of the current generation of teenagers, what do you imagine they value? For some time we have known that Gen Y were more conservative than Xers and definitely more conservative [...]

Blaming Teenagers For Adult Fails

On a few occasions in recent weeks I have been reading criticisms of the current generation of teenagers and found myself continually asking the same question – “Is it really the fault of [...]

What Most Concerns Teenagers

Besides the important issues of Facebook updates, applying Proactive solution, and not running out of mobile phone credit, what is it that really concerns teenagers these days? What would you say [...]

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