Teenage Sexting: What Can Parents Do?

What do you say if your teen comes to you distressed having received an unwanted image of someone else’s naked body? What do you do if you find explicit sexual images on your teenager’s phone? [...]

3 Things Every Young Teenage Boy Needs

This past weekend I have enjoyed observing via social media a good mate being a loving father to his son. As I have read the occasional update and seen a ‘twitpic’ or two of their father son [...]

Why Teenage Rebellion Is A Good Thing!

Ever since the iconic character of “Jim Stark” was brought to life on the big screen, the teenager years have become synonymous with angst and rebellion. Played by James Dean in what is arguably [...]

How To Party Proof Your Teenagers

One of the great differences that emerge between parents and teenagers during adolescence is their attitudes about parties. Teenagers can’t wait to start attending more “grown [...]

Getting Teenagers To Do Housework

This weeks statement of the obvious: Teenagers don’t like doing housework! (Who does?) If the previous statement is true, then it would appear that teenagers may be getting their own way [...]

5 Reasons Teenagers Take Drugs

Can you remember the first time your were offered drugs?  Maybe it was a cigarette down behind the toilet block, a swig of whiskey at a your friends house, or trying a joint at a high school [...]

How “Just Say No” Fails Teenagers

One of life’s great reality checks is parenting or caring for young people. The process of trying to protect them and prevent them from making bad choices reminds all who try that we have very [...]