Accepting the Teenager You Have

It’s time to have a heart-to-heart conversation about the important issue of accepting the teenager you have – the real one, not the one you might have dreamed of. We’ve all been [...]

Parenting an Unmotivated Teenager

This article calls out some of the most common feelings and mindsets experienced by parents who are struggling with unmotivated teenagers have, and offers some practical ideas on how to take [...]

Fixing Teenage Thinking Errors

Do you have a teenager who is never at fault, or refuses to take responsibility for her actions always, blaming someone else? Or maybe your teen gets angry and storms off at the drop of hat, [...]

Managing Teenage Screen Time

It would have to be the biggest parenting challenge of the early 21st century, “How much screen time should I give my kids?” Parents who weren’t raised in an online world are trying [...]

Help Your Teen Organise Their Bedroom

All parents are well familiar with the fact cleaning and maintaining their rooms in order are not among teenagers’ priorities. At this age, kids are more interested in discussing the latest [...]