Parent Coaching FAQs

How Do I Book An Appointment?

  • Click on this link and go to the appointment calendar
  • Find an available time that suits you
  • When you click on that time you will be required to fill out a form and pay for you appointment via your PayPal or credit card
  • Once you have paid for you appointment, you will receive an email with details of the appointment time and place, link to access the online appointment, and for your first appointment some guidelines on what to expect.
  • When the time for your appointment arrives, simply click on the link in the email and you should find Chris on the other end.

How Often Do We Meet?

Appointments are generally held once every two weeks. There needs to be time between appointments for you to follow through from the previous appointment. Sometimes it might be 10 days, and other times it could be three weeks. Ultimately it is up to you. Every family is different and each situation has its own dynamics. Often sessions are weekly – or even daily – in the early days, then as things progress they might spread out. There are no minimum or maximum number of appointments.

How Do We Meet Online?

I use an internet based platform called Zoom which allows for Video calls (best option) or voice only calls. It is super easy to use and costs nothing, no matter where you are in the world.

Once you have booked your appointment you will receive an email detailing what you need to do to access our appointment online. Basically you click on a link and it will take you to a screen where you will have access to our private session.

Zoom sessions can also be accessed via phone only as well.

Can We Talk on The Phone Instead?

If you are unable to get suitable access to a computer or smartphone, phone appointments can be arranged for Australian clients if required. Please indicate you prefer a phone appointment on your booking form.

Can We Meet In Person?

Most appointments are conducted via an online platform (Zoom). However, if you live in the Sydney, Illawarra, or South Coast of NSW face to face meetings can be arranged (extra travel cost may be incurred.)

What Is Your Availability?

I try to make a variety of times available for coaching clients. Go to my bookings page to find available times. If there are no times there that suit send me an email and I am happy to try and work out an alternative time.

I only take on a limited number of coaching clients at a time in order to provide high level of support – so appointment spaces a limited. Priority is given to existing clients.

How Much Does It Cost?

Changes in parenting and how families work in general tend to take to time. Usually it is somewhere between 3 to 6 months to embed changes and make the new way of parenting and relating “normal”.

My main offers are 1-month and 3-month packages, depending on the nature of the change you are looking for. All packages include access to all my tools and materials and email follow-up between sessions. Prices vary from $300 / month – $1200 / month depending on what is required.

A stand-alone single 1-hour coaching session is $197 (USD). This is a good option if you have a specific issue you would like to work on.

Who Can Participate in Parent Coaching?

Parent Coaching is open to anyone who is caring for teenagers on a permanent basis. That means, parents, foster parents, grandparents, and married or single parents. You may attend alone, or you may attend with your partner or another adult who cares for your children.

Will Chris Meet With My Teenager?

No. Parent coaching is about you becoming a better parent and implementing positive change in your family.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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