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Teenage Sexting: What Can Parents Do?

What do you say if your teen comes to you distressed having received an unwanted image of someone

How Teenage Drinking Impairs Brain Development

New research suggests brains scans can identify patterns of brain activity that may predict if a teen will

70% of Teens Hide Their Online Behavior from Parents

Despite their awareness of online dangers, teens continue to take risks by posting personal information and risky photos

Being Social in Youth Is Linked to Adult Happiness

Good social relationships in your youth might translate to happiness as an adult, while doing well in school

Narcissists, Vanity, & the iGeneration

Experts are warning of the dangers of narcissism – from celebrity culture promoting fame and wealth above ethics

How Affluent Teens Struggle

Many of today’s most unhappy teens probably made the honor roll last semester and plan to attend prestigious

Conflict Resolution Tricks Every Educator Should Know

This one is not really research or news, but a resource with a great list of ideas and

How Teenagers Feel About Learning

How is your teenager going at school? Do they look forward to going to school and enjoy the

The Risks of Everyday Sexualised Communication Among Youth

A new report published by the NSPCC  demonstrates, we need to move away from a focus on ‘stranger

Truth, Trends, and Myths About Teen Online Behavior in 2012

Interesting new data on the myths and facts about teenage technology use from Pew Research. Teens 2012: Truth,

83% of Teens Don’t Know How to Manage Money

According to a new study by ING Direct an overwhelming majority of teens –87% — admit they don’t


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