When Parents Can’t Trust Teenagers

How should you respond if your teenager’s behvaiour means you are unable to trust them anymore? This is a problem faced by most parents of teenagers at some point during their child’s [...]

Does Your Teen Trust You?

How many of us would walk into a shop to purchase something without making sure we had a means to pay for it? When you go to buy something you make sure you have the means of providing payment, [...]

How Teenagers Feel About Learning

How is your teenager going at school? Do they look forward to going to school and enjoy the challenge of academic learning? Or are they a less than enthusiastic student? With a new school year [...]

The Teenage Frenemy

Teenage friendships are never boring.  There is rarely dull moment. It seems drama, or melodrama, is never far away. Amongst all the ups and downs have you noticed that your teenager seems [...]