How Teenagers Feel About Learning

How is your teenager going at school? Do they look forward to going to school and enjoy the challenge of academic learning? Or are they a less than enthusiastic student? With a new school year [...]

5 Reasons Teenagers Take Drugs

Can you remember the first time your were offered drugs?  Maybe it was a cigarette down behind the toilet block, a swig of whiskey at a your friends house, or trying a joint at a high school [...]

How “Just Say No” Fails Teenagers

One of life’s great reality checks is parenting or caring for young people. The process of trying to protect them and prevent them from making bad choices reminds all who try that we have very [...]

Technology Overload & The Teenage Mind

Were you ever taught that the goal of technological advancement was to enable human endeavours to be achieved more efficiently resulting in a more leisurely lifestyle for all? Computers will save [...]

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