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70% Teens Hide Online Behavior From Parents

Seventy percent of teens “hide their online behavior” from parents, according to a report, which was released Monday.

Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives

Social Media, Social Life: How Teens View Their Digital Lives is the latest research report from Common Sense

Family Holiday Ideas: Australia

Looking for ideas on what to do with the family for your holiday?  Here is a list of

Getting Teenagers To Cooperate Without Nagging

Lots of parents with teenagers find themselves in a bind. On the one hand they want, or need

Cyberbullying; Interview with Cyber Expert Susan Mclean

susanmcleancyberbullying.wmv from Generation Next on Vimeo.

ADHD Medication The Most Prescribed Drug for Teens

Do you know what the most prescribed drug is for kids ages 12-17? It’s methylphenidate. And that’s scary. Methylphenidate

Teenage Online Video Consumption

Recently the Pew Research Center found that 95% of teens ages 12-17 were using the Internet. But their

Eating Disorders on the Increase For Boys

The number of boys and men seeking help for eating disorders is on the increase according to statistics

8 Ways Parents Can Reduce Teenage Lying

Does your teenager lie to you? Research conducted by Dr Nancy Darling of Penn State University found that

Risky Rise of the Good-Grade Pill

At high schools across the United States, pressure over grades and competition for college admissions are encouraging students

Sexting Teens Don’t Care About Legal Consequences

A new study has found that being aware of the possible legal consequences of sexting doesn’t make teens

Parenting Tips for the Digital Age

Author Scott Steinberg attempts to answer their questions in a new series of high-tech parenting books called The


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