How Texting Can Save Teenagers

Found this great TED talk from earlier this year.  It provides a whole new way of thinking about the value of texting. Take 5 minutes to watch it. Inspiring, challenging and opens up a whole heap of possible conversations.  

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Sexting Teens: Decriminalising Young People’s Sexual Practices

Cases of teenagers “sexting” each other have recently provoked panicked responses by media, parents, educators and policy makers in Australia. Now a Victorian parliamentary inquiry into the practice has been told it’s better to use discretionary powers to deal with sexting cases rather than new laws. “Sexting” can mean the creating, sharing, sending or posting […]

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Arguing With Parents Helps Teens Handle Peer Pressure

Having a teenager with the debating skills of a courtroom lawyer may be a blessing in disguise. According to the findings of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia and published in a recent issue of the journal Child Development, teenagers who are able to hold their own during family discussions are […]

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Teens: The Fastest Growing Smartphone Market

According to the study, young adults between the ages of 25 and 34 make up 74 percent of the smartphone market. Yet, through interviews of some 20,000 mobile users in July, the group found that teenagers between 13 and 17 are becoming smartphone owners at a much quicker rate than young adults. Based on Nielsen’s […]

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Tips for Parents: Facts About Teens and Marijuana

What information should all parents have about the serious risks of all drug use in the early teen years? And what can parents do in the face of the trend towards increased use of pot among teens? This article has some helpful insights and links to current research on the impact of marijuana use in […]

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Teen Drinking Habits Linked to Parental Supply

Teenagers whose parents buy them alcohol to drink at supervised parties are four times more likely to develop “risky” drinking habits, research shows. Researchers have found that giving teens alcohol to drink unsupervised, or under the watch of another adult, carries the same risk. They also found parents were misguided in thinking that giving children […]

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