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74% of Teenage Boys Like Shopping

According to a recent international survey 74% of teenage males stated they enjoyed shopping.  Before you start thinking the survey is flawed it also found 92% of teenage girls like clothes shopping – so it’s not that out of sync with reality.

Other interesting findings in the Habo Global Fashion Survey, which polled over 60,000 teenagers from 30 countries (including 1000 from Australia), include:

  • Teenage Boys are more likely than girls to seek fashion advice from social networking sites such as Facebook
  • Despite being such a digitally orientated generation, clothes shops (46%), magazines (37%), and friends (37%) all ranked ahead of TV and the internet as sources of inspiration for fashion choices.
  • 72% of teenagers are not afraid to try new fashion trends.
  • 45% see themselves as trendsetters – forging new fashion directions.
  • 56% of teenagers go shopping for clothes, shoes, or accessories at least once a fortnight.
  • Favourite fashion bands are Nike, Addidas, & Puma
  • Teen fashion icons are 1. Lady Gaga, 2.Paris Hilton 3. Gisele Bundchen. However when broken down by gender Miley Cyrus is second amongst the girls, and Michael Jackson is second behind lady Gaga amongst the boys.

Habo Hotel is a virtual world for teenagers combining online games and social networking services. Members create and name avatars through whom they communicate and interact with other members of the community.  The Habo survey was conducted amongst members of Habo Hotel community so the sample is obviously skewed to teenagers who like social networking and hanging out online.

Given that more and more teens are hanging out online maybe nearly 75% of teenage guys do like clothes shopping!

G'Day I'm Chris

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