Teenage Love In the Digital Age

In my previous post I outlined the contours of dating and finding a romantic partner during adolescence.  While that post is full of useful information (really it is you can check it out right [...]

Generation Z & Their Digital Future

There is a lot to be said for changing perspective.  Observing an object or issue from a point of view that differs to our normal frame of reference can completely alter our perception.  We might [...]

The Pornification of Generation Z

Are today’s teenagers so immersed in a culture where porn defines the contours of mainstream pop culture, that they are not even aware why adults would be concerned? Teenagers have always been, [...]

Generation Z & Online Gaming

Today’s kids are playing games on consoles, computers, portables and online more than ever before. Remember when computer games were all about playing Pac Man or Space Invaders at the [...]

Teenage Spirituality: Does It Matter?

What do today’s teenagers think about the big questions of life? In a consumer society like ours, is there a danger teens consider life to be about the acquisition of stuff?  Are they too busy [...]

Teenage Alcohol Abuse

Males in their late teens and early 20’s have been found to be most at risk of abusing alcohol. The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) recently released a report containing [...]

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