Do You Know If Your Teen Uses Drugs?

One of the fears parents have about their children’s adolescence is that they will develop a drug or alcohol problem. The fear is not irrational. Many teens will experiment with various [...]

How To Party Proof Your Teenagers

One of the great differences that emerge between parents and teenagers during adolescence is their attitudes about parties. Teenagers can’t wait to start attending more “grown [...]

5 Reasons Teenagers Take Drugs

Can you remember the first time your were offered drugs?  Maybe it was a cigarette down behind the toilet block, a swig of whiskey at a your friends house, or trying a joint at a high school [...]

How “Just Say No” Fails Teenagers

One of life’s great reality checks is parenting or caring for young people. The process of trying to protect them and prevent them from making bad choices reminds all who try that we have very [...]

Why Teenagers Take Risks

Taking risks is part of life. It is most definitely part of growing up. If we don’t take risks we never learn about our own capabilities or discover the joy of new experiences.  Risk can be good, [...]

Teenage Spirituality: Does It Matter?

What do today’s teenagers think about the big questions of life? In a consumer society like ours, is there a danger teens consider life to be about the acquisition of stuff?  Are they too busy [...]

The Impacts of Divorce on Teenagers

Divorce is painful. It is painful for parents, for kids, and for close friends and family.  We all respond to pain differently depending on who we are and our stage of life. Teenagers are not [...]

What Most Concerns Teenagers

Besides the important issues of Facebook updates, applying Proactive solution, and not running out of mobile phone credit, what is it that really concerns teenagers these days? What would you say [...]