5 Ways to Connect With Your Teens

Jennifer Wagner has been working with the Internet and Millennials for years, including running computer schools for kids. Along with publishing her own successful blog Jennifer also writes for [...]

The Pornification of Generation Z

Are today’s teenagers so immersed in a culture where porn defines the contours of mainstream pop culture, that they are not even aware why adults would be concerned? Teenagers have always been, [...]

7 Deadly Sins of Today’s Youth

When you think of the current generation of teenagers, what do you imagine they value? For some time we have known that Gen Y were more conservative than Xers and definitely more conservative [...]

Teenage Spirituality: Does It Matter?

What do today’s teenagers think about the big questions of life? In a consumer society like ours, is there a danger teens consider life to be about the acquisition of stuff?  Are they too busy [...]

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