When Teenagers Don’t Count

My lounge room and the streets of London are literally a world apart.  But this week 2 events that were a world apart reminded me about the basics of living and working of with teenagers. On [...]

The Teenage Brain & Peer Pressure

Peer pressure is one of those things often associated with adolescence.  When you think of common issues encountered by all teenagers peer pressure comes up right alongside the usual [...]

Organisation and the Teenage Brain

Always packing the wrong books for school or leaving lunch behind?  Assignments always been done the night before despite getting set 6 weeks in advance? Never seem to know where anything is or [...]

3 Things Every Young Teenage Boy Needs

This past weekend I have enjoyed observing via social media a good mate being a loving father to his son. As I have read the occasional update and seen a ‘twitpic’ or two of their father son [...]

Why Teenage Rebellion Is A Good Thing!

Ever since the iconic character of “Jim Stark” was brought to life on the big screen, the teenager years have become synonymous with angst and rebellion. Played by James Dean in what is arguably [...]

Teenager: My Life Is a Catastrophy!

What do you do when confronted by a distressed teenager who is certain their life is ruined? Recent events have destroyed their hopes of a meaningful and enjoyable existence. During adolescence [...]

Why Teenagers Take Risks

Taking risks is part of life. It is most definitely part of growing up. If we don’t take risks we never learn about our own capabilities or discover the joy of new experiences.  Risk can be good, [...]

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