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Parent Coaching For Raising Teenagers

Become The Parent You Want to Be

Parenting Suport For

Lasting Change

Parenting teenagers can be one of the most challenging periods of life, filled with constant battles, misunderstandings, and stress. When the struggles start to overshadow the joys, it can feel overwhelming and isolating.

Are you feeling exhausted by the endless conflicts, worried that your relationship with your teen is beyond repair? Have you lost confidence in your ability to be the parent your teenager needs? The emotional toll can be immense, leaving you frustrated and hopeless.

Parent coaching can be your lifeline. With the guidance of an experienced coach, you can regain your confidence, rebuild your relationship, and make positive, lasting changes. Even if things feel permanently broken.

Do You Need Help

parenting your teenager?

Parenting teenagers can be stressful and complex. Misunderstandings and conflicts can easily arise, straining the parent-teen relationship. Instead of fostering connection, these interactions can create distance and affect family harmony.

Learn More About How Parent Coaching Can Help

Parent Coaching

can help you...

What Client's Success Looks Like

Discover More About

You and Your Teenager

Enjoy parenting your teenager-  Parent coaching teaches you how to maintain a positive connection, establish boundaries, reduce conflict, and build a lasting relationship, you will both enjoy.

Loving Relationship

Strengthen your bonds. Build your relationship on trust, mutual understand, and respect.

Harmonious Home

Create a peaceful happy home environment with a positive and relaxed family culture.

Closer Connection

Understanding your teenager's needs and behaviours improves your communication.

Effective Parenting

Parent with clear, effective, parenting strategies. Equip your teen to be resilient and responsible .

Powerful Mindset

When you have the right tools to create a new powerful mindset for yourself and your teen you’ll see changes immediately.

Reduced Stress

When you have the right tools to create a new powerful mindset for yourself and your teen you’ll see changes immediately.

"Chris really helped me get in touch with my fears and agendas for my teen. This was an invaluable insight as it truly enlightened my teens individual and unique path. It brought to the light what I was doing to block communication and opened up the dialogue. It’s been insightful. Thank you.:)"

Leanne Trip (South Australia)

Parenting Coach

Chris Hudson

We all have moments with our kids that we regret. These unhelpful interactions can turn into unhealthy patterns, especially during the teenage years.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Parenting teenagers requires a different approach. My coaching equips you to handle these challenges with calmness and confidence. While none of us are perfect, we can learn to be more connected and responsive to what our teenagers truly need.

I provide supportive, expert guidance tailored specifically for you and your teenager

Chris Hudson sitting down wearing blue shirt

Discover What Coaching With Chris Looks Like

Coaching With Chris

why it works

Personalised Guidance

We create customized strategies that address the unique challenges of your family. This personalized approach ensures more effective and immediate improvements in your parenting journey.

Evidence Based Strategies

Feel confident knowing our proven methods address your teenagers needs, and strengthen your parenting. Learn practices and principles that have produced results in families all around the world.

Supportive Relationship

I am dedicated to creating a supportive and collaborative space for you to grow as a parent. Together, we will navigate the challenges, celebrate the successes, deal with your fears and frustrations – plus  have some laughs on the way.

Why Parents

Work With Chris

Who Is Parent Coaching For?

There are lots of reasons parents partner with a coach.

Sometimes people engage a coach when they don’t know what to do about their teenager’s behaviour.

Other people work with a coach because they feel confused about their own parenting.

Some parents are just sick of all the tension and stress and want to know how to have an enjoyable relationship with their teenager.

The one thing all parents who hire a coach have in common is a strong desire to see positive change their teenager’s life.

Parents who get the most out of parent coaching are those who are willing to be open and honest about what is happening and willing to try new ways of going about parenting.

How It Works

The First Step to Finding Support

Complete Discovery Call Pre Assessment

The first step is to arrange your free Discovery Call with Chris. In this first meeting Chris will help you more clearly define what it is you want to change about your situation and formulate a plan of how to go about it. Then you are free to decide if you wish to continue or go your own way.

Book Your Free Discovery Call

The first step is to arrange your free Discovery Call with Chris. In this first meeting Chris will help you more clearly define what it is you want to change about your situation and formulate a plan of how to go about it. Then you are free to decide if you wish to continue or go your own way.

Attend Coaching Sessions

If you choose to work with Chris, you will have one one one coaching sessions (online) to clarify what you want to do and create strategies to get there. Between sessions you will have set tasks to do. The number and frequency of sessions is up to you.

Enjoy Your Teenager

Once you have implemented your changes, worked hard at establishing a healthy relationship with your teenager, and regained your confidence as a parent it will be time to relax and enjoy the good times raising your teenager.

Book Your Free Discovery Session Today